until the lambs have become lions.


an independent and private writing blog for mountain ghoul of the band ghost.


  your green muse,
the apparatus for soul mobility;
a gateway to secrecy.

carrd template by solarsources


mun.  hey ho, my name is cameron (just cam is fine though). i'm 23 years young, he/they, and in the australian eastern daylight time (aedt). as you might have gathered by the timezone, i am very australian. and very white. i also have an illness called multiple sclerosis relapsing-remitting, which kicks my ass when i'm not paying attention. my activity will be really sporadic as a result.

credits.  my carrd template is made by solarsources, and the psd + graphics were donated by my best friend of fucking forever, aleera (aka divinehr / prim0star).

one.  mountain ghoul is my best friend, he's my pal. he's my home boy. my rotten soldier. he's my sweet cheese, my good time boy - and basically my oc. there's not much of canon but i use what i can.
DISCLAIMER: i am writing the ghoul mountain, NOT the drummer in real life. that's fucking weird bro.

two.  i am the most introverted motherfucker you will ever see. i suck at being social and am very picky with who i interact with. i give people a chance and i promise i'm not scary, but i am private and selective first and foremost.

three.  personal blogs, it's on sight. specify if you have a muse on a sideblog or you'll get sent to the shadow realm.

four.  do not interact with me if you are a minor, a proshipper, a racist, sexist, homophobe, transphobe, etc. also if you write weird shit like inc*st, non-con, dub-con, con non-con, mpreg, a/b/o, and weird fetishisation of people. furthermore, do not interact if you're involved with these people. they're not in the ghost fandom, but i ain't taking chances:
myers / val / v, aka dermapyre, villainvoice, machtlos, proditiones, handrot, empathiae.

five.  if you are interested in interacting with mountain, i highly suggest that you fill out this fun little interest tracker i have made. it'll let me know what your goal with his interactions are. I'll likely prioritise the ones who fill it out vs. the ones who don't.

six.  here is a content warning page, because ghost is a satanic themed band and all. triggers will be "trigger /".

seven.  i do not have ships for mountain. if shit happens, shit happens, but i will be looking for chemistry and the desire to plot. i don't write a fuck ton of nsfw (aka: never before), so i'm really selective with writing the content. if you ARE interested in writing this, discuss with me first. don't throw mountain into sex. bro's chill but not that chill.

eight.  stress makes my MS worse. so, in hindsight, i don't fuck with drama. you post drama, i block you. that being said: i like to be informed, just don't make it all i see on my dash.

nine.  every character is welcome, but please for the love of satan include basic details about them. i am not all-knowing.


there will be dark and triggering themes found on this blog because of the nature of ghost and how it's literally a satanic band. this is the biggest warning i'm giving you, and they will all be tagged - you can let me know if i've missed something, but if you bring up something i've actually tagged, I'll throw hands. /hj
the main themes you'll want to watch out for on this blog are a lot of religious imagery and blasphemy.

other themes include:
➢ blood
➢ drug use / drug mentions
➢ bodily harm / gore / torture
➢ cannibalistic imagery
➢ death + mentions of death
➢ monstrous imagery
➢ murder
➢ attempted murder
➢ mentions of murder
➢ just a lot of murder
➢ sacrificial practices
➢ mental illness


name:   [REDACTED]
alias:   mountain ghoul
age:   [REDACTED]
gender + pronouns:   male, he/him
orientation:   biromantic, demisexual
race:   ghoul, humanoid

siblings:   moss ghoul (older brother)
other:   papa iii (summoner), cardinal copia / papa iv (current papa)
significant other:   none
occupation:   chef of the clergy, drummer of the band
location:   the clergy, [REDACTED]
languages:   infernal, latin, italian, english
accent:   australian (city)

height:   6'3 (human), 8'9 (demon)
hair color:   [REDACTED]
eye color:   [REDACTED]
build:   tall and lanky (human), lean (demon)
notable features:   unknown
faceclaim:   nameless ghoul

positive traits:   centred, observant, witty, introverted
negative traits:   stubborn, evasive, judgemental, mischievous
moral alignment:   true neutral
myers-briggs:   istj
neurodivergence + disorders:   attention deficit hyperactive disorder (adhd)

understanding how a ghoul comes into existence is naught but humanity's attempts to project their reality onto others. to believe that the ghouls were born the same as a human child from a mother would be inaccurate.
mountain is a ghoul; a demon. a creature of sin. he was "born" by his creators manifesting his existence, overindulging in the sin of gluttony. living for centuries in hell allowed for mountain to become the formidable ghoul he is, though his calm demeanour went untempered despite the fiery licks of his environment trying to change him.his first experience on earth was when he was initially summoned by papa emeritus iii - who was, then, a cardinal of the clergy. he had to learn how to adapt to the human world and play his part in the clergy. and so, with decades to spare before terzo's papacy, mountain spent his time shifting between serving the clergy and indulging in humanity's sins.halfway through terzo's papacy, mountain has remained the drummer for the clery's band, ghost.

important notes.
➢ mountain often indulges in drugs. there isn't a huge difference between sober and drugged mountain though - he just likes the buzz.
➢ more tba.

baby ghoul.  text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here

meliora era.  alongside papa emeritus iii, mountain makes his debut on the world's stage, indulging in the infectious energy of the band's popularity.

prequelle era.  though the loss of terzo was hard, mountain persevered alongside cardinal copia, pushing forward to a new era.

impera era.  with the cardinal now papa emeritus iv, mountain remains by his side; silent, reserved, but forever loyal to the emeritus line and the clergy.

sci-fi.  text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text

fantasy.  text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text


papa emeritus iprim0staraffiliate
moss ghoulantiquelicaffiliate